What are the Dangers of Pest Control to Children?

Posted by Michael Koski on

So, you’ve got pests in your house, and you’ve chosen to get rid of them with pest control products, but there’s something else to consider: keeping your children safe.

Since pests can pose a risk to children, it makes sense to remove them from your home and keep them out. But what risks could children face from pest control methods? In this blog, we’re going to look at the possible dangers, how to keep children safe, and the benefits of different types of pest control.

Possible Risks  

Most of the dangers of pest control are well known. When using mice or snap traps, young children may injure their fingers and hands if they accidentally touch them and trigger the snap bar.

Different baits can be used for pest control, some of which can be poisonous to both the pest and humans. If children digest poison, bait blocks, or even food used as bait, they could become seriously ill. If you suspect your child has been in contact with any baits or poisons, contact doctors immediately.

Some products may expose children to rodents, dead or alive. If the pest is still alive, your child could be bitten or scratched. Another possible risk are the diseases that rats and mice can carry.

But, given the possible risks, does that mean you just have to live with pests in your home? Of course not; you still need to get rid of them; you just want the safest method of doing so, to keep your children safe.

How to keep your child safe  

One of the best ways to keep your child safe when using pest control is to keep them far away from any pesticides or traps you have chosen to use. If you leave mouse traps on the floor where children will be playing, accidents could easily happen. Instead, keep them in places that are out of reach. If pesticides are used, it may be best to keep children completely out of the room or area until you dispose of the pest control products. 

When using pest control products, you will have left-over bait, such as bait blocks or poison. Make sure to store these in out-of-reach cupboards or locked away to keep everyone in the family safe.

If your child is older, explaining the danger involved in getting too close to the pest control product may be all that’s needed to keep them safe.


Pest Control Methods

The choice of pest control is another way to keep your children safe. Rather than using rat snaps or more traditional mouse traps, why not try bait stations? These come in a variety of sizes, so whether the rodent you’re trying to catch is small or large, they can still be very effective. Our bait stations are tamper-resistant, so no little fingers will be able to open them to get to dangerous bait or poison.

The locking mechanism will only open with the included key, so make sure to keep that out of the reach of young ones. The way these bait stations work mean that only the pests you’re trying to get rid of can get in and you don’t have to worry about spillages of bait or poison. Another benefit of using bait stations is they keep the poison contained, whereas other products may leave residue behind, which could pose a risk to your family.

To summarise, there are real risks in using pest control, but if handled carefully and kept out of reach of children, there are still a variety of products available to help you get rid of unwanted pests in your home.

Sources: https://www.pestdefence.co.uk/news/rodent-bait-stations-safe/

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