The Dangers of Pest Control to Pets
Posted by Michael Koski on
As much as you want to get rid of pesky pests, we understand you will also want to keep your pets safe. A noisy dog or an inquisitive cat might think that the rat snap is a new toy or the attractive smell of the bait might mean their noses get a bit too close to a dangerous poison. Let’s examine the possible dangers of pest control for pets, as well the precautions you can take to ensure you keep them safe.
What are the Dangers?

If you’ve got a pest problem it’s likely you’ve started looking into which pest control will be most suitable, perhaps glue traps, rat snap traps or bait boxes. Although each is effective in catching the pests you don’t want in a home, each could also pose a danger to your pets.
First, let’s talk about glue traps. The obvious danger to your pet is getting stuck to the powerful adhesive used in these traps. Although not life-threatening, it can be very difficult to remove them from your pet’s fur, remember these are made to keep rodents and bugs stuck fast with no escape! This could cause your pet a lot of stress.
Rat snap traps and mouse traps can pose a slightly more serious risk to your pet. They may snap shut if paws or snouts get too close while investigating any yummy bait that takes their fancy. If they do get caught in a trap, they are more than likely to panic in their attempt to escape, which could cause further injuries.
What about bait stations? These are designed so that rodents can get in and eat the bait or poison, but they are too small for cats and dogs. Many are tamper proof, with keys needed to unlock and fully open. These still come with some small risk to pets, there is a chance that a pet could lick/eat the infected animal causing secondary poisoning. It’s really important that if you suspect your pet has ingested poisonous bait, you contact your vet as soon as possible. Overall though, these are the safest form of pest control when you have pets.
Now we’ve discussed some of the dangers, let’s talk about precautions and how to keep your pets safe.
How to Keep you Pets Safe.
The first precaution you can take, even before setting up any traps, is to store any bait and pest control equipment in a secure location that pets cannot access. A lockable cupboard is the best place to keep your pets away from anything that could harm them.

Secondly, think about where you are going to place your traps, especially if it’s inside your house. Try not to set up traps in places where your pets may see it as a toy, instead try using them under furniture or in smaller areas where your dog can’t reach. With cats this can be a bit more of a problem as they can get into even tiny spaces. If you don’t think you can keep your cat away from a snap trap, a bait station might be a better idea.
But, just because you have pets doesn’t mean you can’t use a form of pest control. You know your pets best, you’re the expert on them. If you think the temptation of some tasty looking bait or a trap that looks like a new fun toy is too much for them, it might be best to keep your pets out of the room while you are using these products. At the same time, equally pests and pets do not go well together, so you’re going to want to get rid of them one way or another.
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